For more information, either phone the Priory on 01900 602114 to make an appointment to see one of the priests, or come to any of our Sunday Masses and make yourself known to the clergy.

The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on most Sundays. Normally there is a short preparation course to help you understand the Sacrament. At the beginning of the service the priest says the following “You have asked to have your child baptised, in doing so you are accepting the responsibilty of bringing your child up in the ways of the faith by loving God and your neighbour. Do you clearly understand what you are undertaking?” These words underline the importance of the service and the sacrament. It is a commitment to practising the faith for you and your baby.
We will be delighted to baptise your child. Please give a minimum of 6 weeks notice. Only one godmother and one godfather, both of whom should be baptised, and at least one of them should be a Catholic. Others may stand as witnesses.

First Holy Communion
Any child that does not go to one of our Catholic Schools, and who would like to make their First Holy Communion, please contact one of the Priests.

Any child that does not go to one of our Catholic Schools, who would like to be Confirmed, please contact the Clergy as soon as possible. Thank you.

The Sacrament of Marriage is celebrated in all three churches. As all churches are popular for weddings please book well in advance. Either phone the Priory to make an appointment to see one of the priests, or come to any of our Sunday Masses and make yourself known to the clergy. There is a preparation course, details of which will be given to you. Couples who wish to get married in the Parish of Christ the Good Shepherd are required to attend a formal preparation which includes two elements – A one-day course covering topics such as Commitment, Communication and Conflict Resolution. Plus meetings with the priest to complete essential paperwork and to help couples reflect more deeply on the spiritual side of marriage.

Confessions are available in all three churches:
Our Lady & St Michael: Saturday 11.00 - 11.30am
St Gregory: Sunday 9.00 - 9.20am
St Mary Harrington: Saturday 5.30 - 5.50pm

If you know of anyone who is seriously ill, don’t hesitate to contact either the Priory or any of the priests.